Career & Tools

The ​Center for Innovative Teaching, Research, and Learning​ (CITRAL) invites UCSB graduate students to participate in their October 1 workshop with Dr. Linda Asler-Kassner on teaching students disciplinary knowledge. Sign up by September 26 to attend!

Wednesday, September 25th, 2019 - 2:16pm

The ​Center for Innovative Teaching, Research, and Learning​ (CITRAL) invites UCSB graduate students to participate in their workshop with Dr. Linda Asler-Kassner on teaching students disciplinary knowledge.

Disciplinary Knowledge: How to Teach Students Knowledge-Making In Your Discipline
Tuesday, October 1, 3-4:45pm
CITRAL - UCSB Library Room 1576 (First Floor, Ocean Side)
RSVP to attend ​by September 26​!

In university courses, learning is always situated within one or more disciplines. This workshop invites you to view your own discipline in ways that help you articulate and teach it to students. Collaborate to identify and communicate how people within your discipline operate: what kinds of questions are asked, what evidence or data are collected, how the evidence or data are interpreted, and how knowledge is represented. Work collaboratively to learn language, strategies, and activities that will be useful within specific classes and across departments. Participants are asked to [lease read "​How Experts Differ from Novices​" and "C​ommunities of Practice​" prior to the session, which you can find in the​ ​Box folder​ for the workshops.