Career & Tools

Are you in the sciences or engineering and want to know how to find a good mentor, how to get the most out of a mentoring relationship by being a pro-active mentee, and how to be a good mentor yourself? Then this event is just for you! It will be held on Thursday, October 3, from 12-1pm in Elings Hall Room 1605. Lunch will be provided.

Monday, September 30th, 2019 - 9:23am

Professional Development Series (PDS) for Postdocs and Graduate Students presents Mentoring and Mentee-ing with Dr. M. Lisa Manning. Dr. Manning is a Professor of Physics at Syracuse University and Director of BioInspiredSyracuse: Institute for Material and Living Systems. She is an award-winning interdisciplinary scientist studying the mechanical properties of biological tissues and the failure of disordered materials.

Dr. Manning will be here to share insights on how to find a good mentor, how to get the most out of a mentoring relationship by being a pro-active mentee, and how to be a good mentor yourself. In particular, Manning will discuss a really useful peer mentoring group method that she has adopted along with some of her colleagues, as well as executive coaching, traditional mentor-mentee relationships, individual development plans, and more. In addition, Manning's partner is an academic, and she is the mother of two kids, so she will also be happy to discuss solving dual career problems and the search for work-life harmony.

Mentoring and Mentee-ing in interdisciplinary science and engineering
When: Thursday, October 3rd from 12:00-1:00pm
Where: Elings Hall Rm 1605
Please RSVP here
*Lunch will be provided*

Please click here for more information regarding the event.