Career & Tools

Here is an exciting opportunity for grad students and postdocs to hear about an important nation-wide movement to change academic culture and prevent sexual harassment in higher education. Join the authors of the recent report "Sexual Harassment of Women: Climate, Culture, and Consequences in the Sciences, Engineering and Medicine" for a breakfast discussion on October 11.

Friday, October 4th, 2019 - 4:50pm

Here is an exciting opportunity for grad students and postdocs to hear about an important nation-wide movement to change academic culture and prevent sexual harassment in higher education. This was spurred by the publication of an important report: "Sexual Harassment of Women: Climate, Culture, and Consequences in the Sciences, Engineering and Medicine" (link to report here) published by the National Academies. On October 11th, three of the report's authors will be on campus to present the report and its findings to UCSB leadership. They have kindly agreed to add to their day's events a morning session with graduate students and postdocs. We encourage you to attend and request that you distribute this flyer/information.

Reservations are required. Click here to register or click on the link on the flyer.