Career & Tools

Graduate TA's, faculty, and staff are invited to learn how to better understand, work with, and support Chinese international students in this compelling, timely, and in-demand workshop from the Center for Innovative Teaching, Research, and Learning. Join them this Friday, October 11th at the UCSB Library, room 1576. RSVP today to reserve your spot.

Wednesday, October 9th, 2019 - 8:53am

Looking to better understand, work with, and support Chinese international students?

The Center for Innovative Teaching, Research, and Learning invites you to this workshop, where authors Steven Fraiberg and Xiqiao Wang will share insights from their study of Chinese international students' literacy practices across sites and borders and how these practices are imbricated in a globalizing education landscape. The authors will help faculty situate their pedagogical practices and experiences in this larger context and consider how we might productively integrate our students' transnational identities and literacies into everyday teaching practices across the disciplines. The workshop will yield insights relevant to both writing instruction and inclusive pedagogical practices in both smaller and larger lecture classroom settings.


Dr. Steven Fraiberg is a Professor at Michigan State University. Dr. Fraiberg's research broadly attends to literacy, mobility, and globalization. He recently completed a book length manuscript titled "Inventing the World Grant University: Chinese International Student's Mobilities, Literacies, and Identities", examining the enculturation of the Chinese student population at MSU by tracing their literacy practices across transnational social spaces.

Dr. Xiqiao Wang is a professor in the Department of Writing, Rhetoric and American Culture at Michigan State University. She earned her doctoral degree from Vanderbilt University with a focus on literacy education, especially writing research and digital literacies. She also developed a research program that attends to the dynamic intersection of social, cultural, and economic conditions of literacy learning and teaching in the context of globalization and transnational movements of peoples, artifacts, ideas, and text.

Dr. Xiqiao Wang is a professor in the Department of Writing, Rhetoric and American Culture at Michigan State University. She earned her doctoral degree from Vanderbilt University with a focus on literacy education, especially writing research and digital literacies. She also developed a research program that attends to the dynamic intersection of social, cultural, and economic conditions of literacy learning and teaching in the context of globalization and transnational movements of peoples, artifacts, ideas, and text.
Dr. Xiqiao Wang is a professor in the Department of Writing, Rhetoric and American Culture at Michigan State University. She earned her doctoral degree from Vanderbilt University with a focus on literacy education, especially writing research and digital literacies. She also developed a research program that attends to the dynamic intersection of social, cultural, and economic conditions of literacy learning and teaching in the context of globalization and transnational movements of peoples, artifacts, ideas, and text.