Career & Tools

Become a home barista and learn how to make various coffee beverages you can whip up in the Graduate Student Association Lounge! Carrie Flack, Registered Dietitian and coffee expert, will be demonstrating several brewing and bean granulation methods, as well as how to create a real Vanilla Bean Simple Syrup. Space is limited for this November 14 workshop, so sign up today!

Tuesday, October 22nd, 2019 - 9:36am

Become a home barista and learn how to make various coffee beverages you can whip up in the Graduate Student Association Lounge! Carrie Flack, Registered Dietitian and coffee expert, will be demonstrating several brewing methods including Pour Over, French Press, and Cold Brewing. Bean Granulation will also be explored showing you how the coarseness of the grinds pair best with different brewing techniques. You'll be able to sample a delicious anti-inflammatory Turmeric "Latte" and an Iced Pumpkin Spiced Cold Brew. You'll also learn how to create a real Vanilla Bean Simple Syrup.

Best of all, all of the new equipment will be stored at the GSA Lounge for you to use anytime to brew your own coffee while your there for a meetup or to catch up on your studies.

Space is limited for this workshop, so sign up today!