Career & Tools

Before beginning a dissertation, most students are asked to write (and defend!) a writing genre called the prospectus. But most students have little to no formal training for how to engage this genre. This workshop on February 13th will teach participants the fundamentals of prospectus writing for dissertations.

Thursday, January 30th, 2020 - 8:45am

Before beginning a dissertation, most students are asked to write (and defend!) a writing genre called the prospectus. But there remains one big problem: most students have little to no formal training for how to engage this genre! Without a clue of what one looks like or even what its goals are, how are students expected to produce one? This workshop will provide a foundation for the genre. Beginning by explaining what a prospectus is (and is not!), we will move on to explaining what are the required sections, what the individual sections look like, and how to write them. Finally, we will discuss developing a timeline so that participants have a realistic understanding of what the path to the dissertation should look like.

​When: ​Thursday,​ ​February 13th, 11-12:30pm
Where: SRB 2154
RSVP here but drop-ins are welcome!