Career & Tools

Are you interested in helping your fellow grad students find careers outside of academia? The UCSB Beyond Academia organizing committee is now recruiting graduate students and postdocs to join the team for next year’s conference. Fill out the interest form and join for an Organizer Interest Meeting on Friday, June 5th.

Tuesday, May 26th, 2020 - 10:14am

Are you interested in helping your fellow grad students find careers outside of academia? The UCSB Beyond Academia organizing committee is now recruiting graduate students and postdocs to join the team for next year's conference. By becoming part of the team, you will have an opportunity to develop transferable skills that are ​valuable to careers both inside and outside of the academy. The organizing team handles all aspects of the conference, including:

  • Identifying and inviting speakers
  • Organizing panels and workshops
  • Maintaining a budget and financial records
  • Publicizing the event
  • Arranging venue and materials
  • And more!

Organizers have the chance to gain valuable experience with team-based project management and event organization, as well as numerous opportunities to broaden your personal and professional networks, learn about a variety of rewarding careers, and work with a talented interdisciplinary team of graduate students and postdocs.

​Help make the conference next year even better with YOUR ideas. If you are interested becoming part of this awesome team, please fill out this form and let the current organizers know whether you are available to come to ​the Organizer Interest Meeting on Friday, June 5, from 12-1 p.m. Once you RSVP, you'll receive the Zoom link and password. If you have any questions, feel free to email the organizers.