Career & Tools

Join us for Lunch & Learn, where you'll have the chance to socialize with other grad students and hear talks by students in Counseling, Clinical, & School Psychology and Physics. While we won't be able to share pizza in person, all attendees will be entered into a raffle to win a $15 Target gift card.

Monday, March 1st, 2021 - 9:00am

Join us for Lunch & Learn, where you'll have the chance to socialize with other grad students and hear talks by students in Counseling, Clinical, & School Psychology and Physics. Lunch & Learn is co-sponsored by the Graduate Division, the Graduate Student Association, and the UCSB Library.

While we won't be able to share pizza together in person, all attendees will be entered into a raffle to win one of ten $15 Target gift cards.

March 2021 Edition: Pandemics & Particles

March 12, 12-1:15pm
*RSVP here to receive the Zoom link*

Reconstructing the Quantum Behavior of Particles in Materials

Graduate Student in Physics

Human-kind's ability to address the exponentially scaling problems of the future is blunted by technology which cannot keep up, like computation. The concept of Quantum Computing addresses the issue of scale, but we still need to understand the fundamental physics of materials in order to build such a computer. In this talk, I will present recent results from my group which, to our knowledge, are the first to reconstruct the fundamental quantum behavior of electrons in a potential quantum computing material.

Simultaneous Pandemics: Anti-Asian American Discrimination and COVID-19

Ginette Sims
Graduate Student in Counseling, Clinical, & School Psychology

In midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a significant increase in discriminatory behavior toward Asian-Americans with emerging research suggesting a startling increase in anti-Asian bias after a 30 year decline. Discrimination has been linked to a multitude of deleterious outcomes in the behavioral health, psychological health, physical health, and education literature. In this talk, I present qualitative data examining the psychosocial impact of experiencing increased discriminatory sentiment and behavior by relaying the narratives of Asian-Americans coping with the simultaneous pandemics of interpersonal racism and COVID-19. My findings suggest there have been significant changes in the coping strategies engaged by Asian-Americans that may present new methods of fostering resilience against the negative outcomes associated with discrimination.

This event will be moderated by Kristen LaBonte, Research & Engagement Librarian at the UCSB Library.

Interested in being a presenter at an upcoming Lunch & Learn? Click here to find out more! If you have any questions about this event or Lunch & Learn in general, please email Chava Nerenberg.