Career & Tools

On May 10, join Instructional Development for a workshop on teaching philosophy statements! As a participant in this workshop, you will work through a series of exercises to help you reflect on your teaching, and by the end of the workshop you will have a draft outline of your teaching philosophy statement.

Thursday, October 8th, 2020 - 2:15pm

Join Instructional Development for a series of workshops and professional development programs for graduate students during Spring Quarter!

You must pre-register to attend this workshop.

Crafting Your Teaching Philosophy Statement
Facilitator: Dr. Mindy Colin, Instructional Development

Writing a Teaching Philosophy Statement can be a challenge, and is required for most teaching positions. At the same time, examining and articulating your teaching philosophy can help you to become a more effective instructor. As a participant in this workshop, you will work through a series of exercises to help you reflect on your teaching, and by workshop end you will have a draft outline of your teaching philosophy statement.

When: Monday, May 10
Time: 3-4p
Register here
Zoom link