Wellness and Work-life Balance

Did you know that each year approximately 1,500 bicycles get abandoned on the UCSB campus? The UCSB Associated Students Bike Committee and the Community Service Office are hosting their quarterly Fall Bike Sale on Tuesday, October 17.

By Daina Tagavi, Professional Development Peer
Thursday, October 12th, 2017 - 10:07am

Did you know that each year approximately 1,500 bicycles get abandoned on the UCSB campus? The UCSB Associated Students Bike Committee and the Community Service Office (CSO) are hosting their quarterly Fall Bike Sale on Tuesday, October 17, in front of Storke Tower.

The Bicycle Committee will be tabling to gather feedback, answer questions, and give away bike lights and free swag. The CSO will be in charge of the abandoned bicycle sale.

​​To purchase a bike, students may pick up a numbered ticket starting at 12 ​p.m. (noon) in front of Storke Tower at the CSO booth. Please be advised that some students line up early. The bicycle sale will begin at 2 p.m. You must be present when your number is called, or you will be skipped. The sale will continue until 6 p.m., or until all bikes are sold. Helmets will also be on sale from UCSB Student Health for $10. A valid photo ID is required to purchase a bike.

If you have any questions, please email BikeCommChair@gmail.com.