Wellness and Work-life Balance
UCSB’s Student Health will remain open during its usual hours of 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on weekdays, and 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Wednesdays. Current health coverage for GHI members continues until September 22, 2018.

If you're staying in town for âsummer break, you can still access many of the services at UCSB's Student Health. See below for more details:
Summer Break at Student Health
Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays: 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Wednesdays: 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
24/7 Nurse Advice always available at 80â0-539-1387â, or 805-893-4411 for Psychological Advice.
GHI Members
(1) Your current coverage continues through summer until 09/22/2018
(2) Aetna Insurance ID cards can be printed online through the Student Health website
(3) No referral necessary when more than 50 miles from Santa Barbara
(4) Use Aetna Network Providers for the best value
(5) Aetna Dental and Vision Coverage can be used at any network provider
(6) Insurance questions or problems with claims? email SHSInsurance@sa.ucsb.edu or call 805-893-2592
Goodbye GHI! Hello UC SHIP!
Starting in Fall quarter 2018, UCSB's Student Health Insurance will be switching to "UC SHIP" administered by Anthem. See more details at UCSB SHS and UC SHIP. This is the same insurance plan used at other UC campuses (except Berkeley).
Don't leave campus without your prescriptions! You can request prescription refills online now, for a summer supply usually 3-4 months, and/or you may request refills to be sent by mail order. Further information can be found on âthe website, or by calling 805-893-2116. Ordering prescriptions online can greatly reduce wait times!
(1) You are eligible to use all services at Student Health until Fall classes start 9/22/18
(2) For assistance arranging health insurance after graduation, Social Worker appointments are available at no charge by calling 805-893-3087.
For GHI Student Health Insurance information, please contact the Student Health Insurance Office at 805-893-2592 or email confidentially through SHS Gateway (under Messages, send a New Message to Insurance Office).