Wellness and Work-life Balance

Beginning in July 2018, student U-Mail accounts will be migrated from Office 365 to a Connect Google Suite for Education account. Connect is UCSB’s suite of messaging and collaboration tools, including services such as Box cloud storage and Zoom video conferencing. Learn more about the benefits of the new Google Suite, next steps, and what you need to know to prepare for the migration.

By Simeng (Karen) Li, International Peer
Thursday, June 21st, 2018 - 10:57am

Beginning in July 2018, student U-Mail accounts will be migrated from Office 365 to a Connect Google Suite for Education account. Connect is UCSB's suite of messaging and collaboration tools, including services ​such as Box cloud storage and Zoom video conferencing. Your new Google Suite account is one of these tools. The migrations begin in July and conclude before the start of Fall Quarter. All of your emails will be migrated from your existing account and will be available in the new Google Suite account.

Benefits of new Google Suite account:
(1) Unlimited storage in Google Drive
(2) Easy to use mobile apps for Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Drive, etc.
(3) Seamless transition between personal Gmail and school account in mobile apps and on the web
(4) Google Suite tools facilitate effortless collaboration with classmates

What's Next?
Watch for additional emails with more detailed information about when exactly your account is scheduled to migrate.

Will my email address change?
Students retain their existing email address: UCSBNetID@umail.ucsb.edu
Students get an additional optional email address: UCSBNetID@ucsb.edu
Students receive an optional department address in appropriate cases: name@dept.ucsb.edu

What do I need to do?
No action is necessary at this point. The project team automatically migrates all emails to your new Google U-Mail account. Students with an existing Connect account for student employment or other purposes will have the emails from their U-Mail account added to their current mailboxes. More detailed information, including confirmed timelines, will be posted on the U-Mail website [umail.ucsb.edu] once they are available. Please contact the Collaborate Student Support Center [help.lsit.ucsb.edu] with any questions or concerns.