Wellness and Work-life Balance

The UCSB Graduate Students for Diversity in Science (GSDS) is having its general body meeting TODAY, January 24, from 12-1pm in MRL 2053. Lunch will be provided! Read on for more information.

Thursday, January 24th, 2019 - 9:15am

The UCSB Graduate Students for Diversity in Science (GSDS) is having its general body meeting TODAY, January 24, from 12-1pm in MRL 2053. Lunch ​will be provided!

GSDS members will be discussing the logistics of the DOW Distinguished Lecture series, featuring Dr. Emily Carter, as well as the planned visitation from Cal State University students. There will be sign-ups for lunches, dinners, and meetings with both Dr. Carter and the visiting students.

Additionally, GSDS members will discuss potential candidates for future invited lectures. If you have a person in mind, whether from academia, industry, or elsewhere, feel free to send your nominations, along with a small blurb about why they are a good candidate, to Manny (msanchezzayas@ucsb.edu) and Jeff (jeffreyself@ucsb.edu) as soon as you can.

If you want to be part of the new group photo, please stick around after the meeting for just a few minutes!