Wellness and Work-life Balance
The newly implemented UC Santa Barbara Housing Voucher Program is part of our institution’s continued efforts to address food and housing insecurity concerns for our student population. Read on for more information and application details.
The newly implemented UC Santa Barbara Housing Voucher Program is part of our institution's continued efforts to address food and housing insecurity concerns for our student population.
Application process
- If a housing emergency occurs, students can initiate the Financial Crisis Response Team application process by emailing financialcrisis@sa.ucsb.edu.
- Documentation is required for recipients to be provided a housing voucher and they must have accessed their student loan eligibility.
- If students are unable to provide documentation they must complete and submit a self-certification form.
Administration and Distribution
- Housing vouchers will be awarded to students who are determined to be experiencing a housing emergency and can be used for both on-campus and off-campus living arrangements.
- Vouchers are being offered in increments of $500, $150, and $50. The goal of this program is to address short-term, immediate needs while keeping students enrolled and on track to graduate.
- Additional questions can be directed to Basic Needs Coordinator Rebecca Plotkin, at rebecca.plotkin@sa.ucsb.edu.
Common Questions
- What do I do if I encounter a student who is food or housing insecure?
It is important to connect students with campus resources ASAP. Please have students email financialcrisis@sa.ucsb.edu right awayâ. - Why do students need to borrow their loans before accessing this program?
UCSB is working diligently to create safety net programs that will help our students meet their basic needs and graduate on-time. Given that we have limited resources, these programs are tailored for students who have exhausted all other funding options.
Please continue to refer students to Food For All for additional information on resources available to the UCSB community. Thank you for your continued support of the Basic Needs efforts as we strive to support our campus community.