Wellness and Work-life Balance

All graduate students are invited to take the Elsevier Feedback Poll to inform discussions about access to Elsevier publications. The University of California is strongly committed to advancing open access to UC research in partnership with publishers. Taking this poll may help advance ​the UC mission toward complete open access.

By Daina Tagavi, Professional Development Peer
Tuesday, February 11th, 2020 - 10:15am

All ​graduate ​students are invited to take the Elsevier Feedback Poll to inform discussions about access to Elsevier publications.

The University of California is strongly committed to advance open access to UC research in partnership with publishers. Last year, negotiations with the publishing house Elsevier stalled, resulting in UC's loss of access to current Elsevier content via Science Direct. Since then, informal conversations with Elsevier have continued and the parties will meet in early March to explore reopening negotiations. As input into these conversations, members of UC's academic community are encouraged to participate in a short poll (3 minutes) to gauge the impact of the loss of immediate access to current Elsevier content via ScienceDirect. Taking this poll may help advance ​the UC mission toward complete open access.

The UC System very much wants to hear from you, even if you feel you are not significantly affected by the Elsevier situation. The poll will close February 29.