
The Graduate Division and the Academic, Professional, and Technical Graduate Writing Development Program are excited to extend to you the opportunity to participate in a study on graduate student writing experiences at UCSB. To participate, you will need to take an online survey that takes ~20 to 30 minutes to complete. In compensation for your time, you can enter into a drawing to win 1 of 10 $50 gift certificates. Read on for more info!

By Graduate Division Staff
Wednesday, April 27th, 2022 - 9:01am

The Graduate Division and the Academic, Professional, and Technical Graduate Writing Development Program are excited to extend to you the opportunity to participate in a study on graduate student writing experiences at UCSB.

We know that writing is critical to the graduate experience and beyond-but we don't know how we are doing at UCSB in this regard. As such, we want to better understand how UCSB graduate students and their faculty perceive writing as it exists in the graduate experience. To do that, we need to know what is working and what could be improved, what services are useful and what could we offer to support graduate student writers and their faculty.

This study will identify patterns to the graduate writing experience from both graduate student and faculty perspectives. The benefits of this information could lead to specific writing courses, more funded positions to support specific writing support needs (e.g., an academic jobs career counselor), structured writing support (e.g. a writing center for graduate students), and support provided to faculty to better assist them with the writing produced by their students. More details about this study can be found in the consent form at the beginning of our survey.

To participate, you will need to take an online survey that takes ~20 to 30 minutes to complete. Participation is strictly voluntary and will have no bearing on status as students or faculty, and your identity will remain anonymous

In compensation for your time, you can enter into a drawing to win 1 of 10 $50 gift certificates.

Specific details regarding the study and its consent form can be found on the first page of the survey. Additionally, you may reply to this e-mail directly for a copy of the consent form.

If you have any questions, please email Robby Nadler, Director of Academic, Professional, and Technical Graduate Writing Development, UCSB Graduate Division and Writing Program.