Career & Tools

Join Madeleine Sorapure from UCSB's Writing Program for a workshop on how to avoid "Death by PowerPoint."

By Shawn Warner-Garcia, Professional Development Program Coordinator
Monday, February 29th, 2016 - 1:08pm

 Poorly designed slides (too much text, inelegant graphics, inconsistent style, etc.) are a primary contributor to "Death by PowerPoint," potentially ruining an otherwise compelling presentation.

By contrast, well-designed slides help convey content, engage the audience, and support the speaker. This workshop focuses on the design of effective presentation slides. It covers basic principles of graphic design; guidelines and resources for the use of text, images, and color; and tips for using PowerPoint templates and other features.

The workshop leader, Madeleine Sorapure, is the Director of UCSB's Writing Program and teaches courses in new media and digital composing. She is also co-director of the Multimedia Communication track of the Professional Writing Minor.

This workshop will be offered twice:

Wednesday, March 9, 9:30 to 11 a.m.

Social Science & Media Studies Building 1007


Friday, March 11, 1 to 2:30 p.m.

Social Science & Media Studies Building 1005

*To RSVP for either event, click here*

This is a hands-on workshop in a computer lab, and participants are welcome to bring their own slides to design and redesign or start from scratch on a future presentation. Both events are open to all UCSB graduate students and postdocs, but space is limited. To RSVP for either workshop, please follow this link.