Career & Tools

This Friday, April 8, at 3 p.m., graduate students from the UCSB Theatre & Dance Department will perform a set of one acts as part of the Graduate Student Showcase.

Wednesday, April 6th, 2016 - 9:33am

This Friday, April 8, at 3 p.m., graduate students from the UCSB Theatre & Dance Department will perform a set of one acts as part of the Graduate Student Showcase. The event will take place in the ​Studio Theatre (TDW 1101). All graduate students are welcome to attend. See below for more information on the performances.

"The Mechanicals," written by Theatre & Dance Ph.D. candidate Avila Reese, is a play based on ethnography and auto-ethnography research and theatre practice. The focus of the piece examines invisible presence, the emotive power of theatrical space, and this effect on the actor. The performance of this play will feature three Theatre & Dance Ph.D. candidates as well as a number of talented undergraduate performers from multiple departments. There will be a talkback after the performance.

Additionally, an excerpt from Reese's play "As Yet Untitled" will also be performed. This play centers on the lives of Mary Shelley, Claire Claremont, and Anna, the actress who will 'play' Shelley in an upcoming performance. It combines dreamlike sequences in which the historical real is disambiguated by the presence of actresses studying their 19th-century doppelgangers.