Career Development
Graduate Career Consultant Lana Smith-Hale will host an information session and tutorial on how you can envision, prepare for, and excel in a non-academic career using the tools provided by Versatile Ph.D.
There are many online resources for graduate students looking into non-academic careers. One of the best places to start is with Versatile Ph.D. (VPhD), the largest online community dedicated to non-academic and non-faculty careers for Ph.D.s in humanities, social sciences, and STEM. âAs a UCSB grad student, you have access to premium content on the VPhD website free of chargeâ, including discussion forums, job postings, local area meet-ups, and 80+ personal profiles written by Ph.D.s who were hired straight out of academia. You can even read some of the actual résumés and cover letters they used to get their post-ac jobs.
In order to help grad students better understand and utilize the resources available to them through VPhD, Graduate Career Consultant Lana Smith-Hale will host an information session and tutorial. Come learn about how you can envision, prepare for, and excel in a non-academic career using the tools provided by VPhD.
What: Versatile Ph.D. Information Session
When: âTuesday, May 3, 10-10:30 a.m.
Where: Career Resource Room in the Career Services building
More Info: Please contact Lana Smith-Hale with any questions
RSVP: Click here