Career & Tools

This May 10 workshop will explore important techniques that will help you expertly craft and strategically target your cover letter so you can get over the first application hurdle and on to an interview!

By Lana Smith-Hale, Graduate Career Consultant
Tuesday, May 3rd, 2016 - 3:22pm

If you are looking to pursue career opportunities outside of academia, your cover letter is your ticket into that world. But many grad students may not know how to present themselves and their experience in a way that connects with non-academic employers. This workshop will explore important techniques that will help you expertly craft and strategically target your cover letter so you can get over the first application hurdle and on to an interview!

Writing Effective Cover Letters for Non-Academic Jobs
Tuesday, May 10, 1:30-2:30 p.m.
SRB 2154
Please RSVP here