Career & Tools

In this workshop led by Writing Peer Kyle Crocco, you will analyze a successful grant proposal and then learn how to write your own proposal, including the mechanics, organization, and what content to include or exclude.

By Kyle Crocco, Writing Peer
Wednesday, July 6th, 2016 - 2:26pm

Grant WriterWriting a grant proposal is a fundamental part of the research life.

In this workshop led by Writing Peer Kyle Crocco, you will analyze a successful grant proposal and then learn how to write your own proposal, including the mechanics, organization, and what content to include or exclude.

This workshop is open to all UCSB graduate students and postdocs.

Writing A Grant Proposal

Time: ​Tuesday, ​July 12, ​1-2 p.m.

Place: Student Resource Building, Room 2154

Food: Snacks and beverages for all tastes.

RSVP: Kyle Crocco at