Career & Tools

Join us for our next Lunch & Learn, featuring talks by graduate students in Marine Science and Media Arts & Technology!

Wednesday, July 13th, 2016 - 3:00pm

Join us for our next Lunch & Learn, featuring talks by graduate students in Marine Science and Media Arts & Technology! Lunch & Learn events are co-sponsored by the Graduate Division and the Graduate Student Association, and you'll enjoy free lunch and a chance to socialize with and learn from graduate students across the campus.

Lunch & Learn
This Edition: Seas & Sound Synthesizing

Wednesday, July 27
Noon-1:30 p.m.

Student Resource Building, Multipurpose Room
Pizza and salad lunch will be provided
*To help us estimate food, ​please RSVP*

"Light and Water: Using Ocean Color to Map our Changing Seas"
James Allen, Graduate Student in Marine Science

We can get a ​lot of information about the global ocean just by exploring how light interacts with everything in the water column. From particles to plankton and from ships to satellites, the color of the ocean is influenced by many different things and can be measured in a variety of ways. In this talk, James will go over the basics of optical oceanography and how doing math with colors helps us to understand Earth's Final Frontier.

"Tibetan Singing Prayer Wheel: A Case Study of Design, Input, and Control Strategies for Real-Time Electroacoustic Vocal Performance"
​Cecilia Wu, Graduate Student in Media Arts & Technology

Dating back as early as the 1950s, there have been experiments of electronic instrument/ interface design using gestural input and control strategies. ​In this talk, Cecilia will present her case study, Tibetan Singing Prayer Wheel (TSPW) - a hand-held, wireless, sensor-based musical instrument with a human-computer interface that simultaneously processes vocals and synthesizes sound based on the performer's hand gestures with a one-to-many mapping strategy.

This event will be moderated by​ Christian Villase~or, Assistant Dean of the Graduate Division.

Interested in being a presenter at an upcoming Lunch & Learn? Click here to find out more! If you have any questions about this event or Lunch & Learn in general, please email Shawn Warner-Garcia.