Career & Tools

If you're applying for a teaching-focused academic job, you will almost certainly be asked to provide a teaching philosophy statement. So what is it and how do you even begin to describe your own philosophy?

By Kyle Crocco, Writing Peer
Tuesday, August 16th, 2016 - 11:51am

  If you're ​applying for a teaching-​focused academic job, you will almost certainly be asked to provide a teaching philosophy statement. ​So what is it and how do you even begin to describe your own philosophy?

The Graduate Student Resource Center ​will host a handy workshop ​to answer ​these and other rhetorical questions.

In this workshop, we will look at ​​teaching philosophy ​statements and ​ask the hard questions that will help you ​figure out what your own philosophy is. The workshop is open to all UCSB graduate students and postdocs, but enrollment is limited to 15 per workshop, so please RSVP.

Writing a Teaching Philosophy Statement

Time: ​Tuesday, August ​23, 1-2:30 p.m.

Place: Student Resource Building, Room 2154

Food: Snack materials will be provided for your diverse hunger needs.

RSVP: Writing Peer Kyle Crocco at so we have the right amount of snackage.