Career & Tools

Are you one of those people that has a pretty clear sense of what you don’t want in a job but have a hard time figuring out what you do want? This workshop will cover how the career development process can help you figure out the next steps to finding a career that’s right for you!

Friday, September 23rd, 2016 - 11:35am

Are you one of those people that has a pretty clear sense of what you don't want in a job but have a hard time figuring out what you do want? This workshop will help you gain some understanding into the career development process and how to take steps toward understanding what you want out of a career. We'll cover career development principles, career assessments, and career trajectories in order to help you figure out your next steps to finding a career that's right for you!

Finding Your Career Path in Grad School: How Career Development Can Work For You
Led by Lana Smith-Hale, Graduate Career Counselor

Monday, October 3
2:30-3:30 p.m.
SRB 2154
RSVP here!