Career & Tools

It can sometimes be daunting or difficult to find helpful, relevant information to assist you in making a career transition. This workshop will teach you how to put your research and writing skills to use in finding the job you want.

By Erik Martinez, Graduate Career Peer
Thursday, January 5th, 2017 - 12:56pm

There are many rewarding career options for Ph.D.s beyond the tenure track. However, it can sometimes be daunting or difficult to find helpful, relevant information to assist you in making a career transition. This workshop will teach you how to put your research and writing skills to use in finding the job you want. Come learn about informational interviews, useful online resources, and how to conduct a non-academic job search.

Exploring Careers Alongside and Outside of Academia
Led by Lana Smith-Hale, Graduate Career Counselor
Thursday, January 12, noon-1 p.m.
SRB 2154

Please RSVP here