Career & Tools

Join us for a February 2 informational session with Melodie Blakemore, Senior Research Integrity Specialist from the Office of Research, who will tell you what you need to know when preparing your human subjects protocol and will answer your questions about the process.

By Nicole Poletto, Professional Development Peer
Wednesday, January 25th, 2017 - 1:49pm

Scholars in a growing number of fields are utilizing human participants in their research, but this type of work requires approval by an Institutional Review Board (IRB), a committee that aims to protect the rights and welfare of the subjects, as well as those of the researchers. Does your research involve human subjects? Do you have questions about the IRB process? Join us for an informational session with Melodie Blakemore, Senior Research Integrity Specialist from the Office of Research, who will tell you what you need to know when preparing your protocol and will answer your questions about the process.

When: ​T​hursday, ​February 2, 10-11:30 a.m.

Where: Student Resource Building, ​Room 2154

Light refreshments will be provided.

Please note: This seminar also helps satisfy the Responsible Conduct of Research training requirements for federally funded projects.

RSVP: To register for his event, please complete this form.

For more information on this workshop or other professional development programming, please email ​Shawn Warner-Garcia.