Career & Tools

Want to capture the reader's attention and encapsulate your research concisely? Learn how at the Introduction and Problem Statement workshop led by Writing Peer Kyle Crocco.

By Kyle Crocco, Writing Peer
Tuesday, January 31st, 2017 - 4:12pm

 Want to capture the reader's attention and encapsulate your research concisely? Learn how at the Introduction and Problem Statement workshop led by Writing Peer Kyle Crocco.

At this snack​-filled workshop, you will analyze the introductions of successful grant and fellowship applications ​and get an understanding of the rhetorical steps involved in writing your own awesome introduction.

This workshop is open to all UCSB graduate students and postdocs. Please RSVP so we can determine ​the proper snack dosage.

How to Write an Effective Introduction or Problem Statement

Time: ​​​Wednesday, February 8, noon-1:30 p.m.

Place: Student Resource Building, Room 2154

Food: A buffet of snackage

RSVP: Kyle Crocco at