Career & Tools

Our ​presentation and communication workshops will help you hone your Grad Slam ​talk and also be an effective communicator in any setting. We'll cover topics such as using acting techniques to improve your delivery, ​telling your research story, and designing beautiful slides to support your talk.

By Nicole Poletto, Professional Development Peer
Tuesday, February 7th, 2017 - 11:10am

Not sure where to start to prepare your Grad Slam presentation? Nervous to talk in front of other people?

Don't worry, the Graduate Division has you covered! Our ​presentation and communication workshops are designed not only to help you ​hone your 3-minute Grad Slam ​talk but also to help you be an effective communicator in any setting. These workshops will cover topics such as using acting techniques to improve your delivery, ​telling your research story, and designing beautiful and informative slides to help support your talk.

February 13
, 10 a.m.-noon
February 24, 2-4 p.m.
Student Resource Building, Multipurpose Room

Bri McWhorter, Founder and CEO of Activate to Captivate, will lead the February workshops designed to improve your communication skills and command a room through your presentation skills. This workshop uses acting tools to teach participants how to craft and present a dynamic and compelling presentation. Topics covered include: vocal, articulation, and breath-support tools; overcoming anxiety, commanding a room; and effective communication with an audience of any size.

March 8
, 2-4 p.m.
March 13
, 1-3 p.m.
Student Resource Building, Multipurpose Room

In March, Jeffrey Hanson (Lecturer for the Writing and EMS/Linguistics Programs) and Madeleine Sorapure (Writing Program Director) will offer two sessions of their workshop designed to help you craft your content into a story and design your slides accordingly. Learn a story-based approach to presenting that works with virtually any research topic or discipline. ​The workshop will be a hands-on experience and step-by-step perspective to crafting your presentation to avoid "death by powerpoint."

Stay ​tuned for more information on each workshop on GradPost. Questions? Contact Shawn Warner-Garcia.