Career & Tools

Be sure to attend the next Finding Funding workshop on Thursday March 2, where the Funding Peer Advisor will share about campus and external funding sources and help you determine simple next steps so you are always in the loop about funding opportunities throughout the year!

By Noreen Balos, Funding Peer
Thursday, February 23rd, 2017 - 10:13am

As we approach the latter part of the winter quarter, don't forget that finding funding is a continuous process. Be sure to attend the next Finding Funding workshop on Thursday March 2, where the Funding Peer Advisor will share about campus and external funding sources and help you determine simple next steps so you are always in the loop about funding opportunities throughout the year! Sign up today!

What: Finding Funding Workshop
When: ​March 2, ​10-11 a.m.
Where: SRB 2154
RSVP now at this Sign Up Link!