Career & Tools

Are you in the middle stages of your dissertation and running into roadblocks? Do you need some new strategies and habits to help you finish up? Then apply for the first session of the 2017 Dissertation Write-In! Application deadline is Wednesday, May 31.

By Nicole Poletto, Professional Development Peer
Monday, May 15th, 2017 - 9:39am


The application period for the 2017 Dissertation Write-In, co-sponsored by the Graduate Division and Summer Sessions, is now open. This program is open to doctoral students from all disciplines and the first session will take place ​Monday, June 19 through Thursday, June 22.

The Dissertation Write-In is a free, four-day writing workshop aimed at helping Ph.D. students in the middle stages of their dissertation process by providing intensive writing times, breakout sessions with a facilitator on typical dissertation issues (including dealing with procrastination, managing research and sources, and writing to work through difficult ideas), one-on-one consultations with the facilitator, and peer consultations. Participants will gain strategies and tools to create positive writing habits and thus become more efficient and productive writers.

You are eligible to apply if you are a Ph.D. student who:

  • Has advanced to candidacy;
  • Has completed a chapter of your dissertation; and
  • Is committed to attending all sessions of the Write-In.

Interested students will need to complete a short application that includes the following information:

  • A brief (approximately 150 words) description of your dissertation project
  • A list of your work/progress on your research and writing up to this point
  • Any obstacles you have encountered in your writing thus far
  • Expectations for what you hope to accomplish during the Write-In
  • Identify specific writing issues with which you would like help

To apply, please complete the online application here.

Important: Once you have completed the application, please also send PDFs of your dissertation prospectus (where applicable) and a completed chapter (either drafted or accepted) to Dr. Katie Baillargeon of UCSB's Writing Program, who will direct the ​Write-In. The deadline to apply is Wednesday, May 31.

Please note:

  • The Dissertation Write-In is limited to 20 participants.
  • As part of its efforts to provide financial support for graduate students who are engaged in short-term intensive campus programs that contribute to their development as academic professionals, the Graduate Division will provide a Professional Development Award to the participants of the Dissertation Write-In. A fellowship of $400 will be awarded to students who successfully complete all four days of the program. Note that students must not be in P3 status in order to receive this award.

Can't make it to the session in June? Don't worry, there will be another session from September 18-21, so stay tuned to the GradPost for the call for applications later ​this summer.

Have questions about the Dissertation Write-In? Please email Robert Hamm, Director of Graduate Student Professional Development.