Career & Tools

If you're applying for a teaching-focused academic job, you will almost certainly be asked to provide a teaching philosophy statement. So what is it and how do you even begin to describe your own philosophy? Come to our workshop to find out!

By Kyle Crocco, Writing Peer
Tuesday, August 29th, 2017 - 1:15pm

If you're ​applying for a teaching-​focused academic job, you will almost certainly be asked to provide a teaching philosophy statement. ​So what is it and how do you even begin to describe your own philosophy?

The Graduate Student Resource Center ​will host a handy workshop ​to answer ​these and other rhetorical questions.

In this workshop, we will look at ​​teaching philosophy ​statements and ​ask the hard questions that will help you ​figure out what your own philosophy is. The workshop is open to all UCSB graduate students and postdocs, but enrollment is limited to 15 per workshop, so please RSVP.

This workshop is ​similar to the Instructional Development workshop.

Writing a Teaching Philosophy Statement

Time: ​​Thursday, ​​​September 7, ​1-2:30 p.m.

Place: Student Resource Building, Room 1103

Food: Snack materials will be provided to fortify you

RSVP: Writing Peer Kyle Crocco at so we have the right amount of snackage.