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Nominations are open for two awards honoring graduate students who have distinguished themselves as mentors of undergraduates. Nominations may come from academic and research units as well as individual faculty. The nomination deadline has been extended to Friday, May 3rd, 2019.

To recognize and âencourage the efforts of graduate students who serve as effective mentors, the UCSB Graduate Division presents two awards for students who have distinguished themselves in the area of undergraduate research supervision: the Fiona and Michael Goodchild Graduate Mentoring Award and the Dean's Graduate Mentoring Award.
The purpose of these awards is threefold:
- To recognize graduate students who have distinguished themselves as mentors of undergraduates;
- To acknowledge campus initiatives to improve the educational experience of undergraduates and graduate students by integrating research into undergraduate education at UCSB;
- To encourage others to become involved in these research efforts.
These awards are important examples of the Graduate Division's ongoing efforts to promote a culture of mentoring.
Three recipients of the Fiona and Michael Goodchild Graduate Mentoring Award and three recipients of the Dean's Graduate Mentoring Award will receive $1000 each (six awards in all). The Graduate Division invites nominations from academic departments, programs, and research units, as well as individual faculty and undergraduate research and graduate preparatory programs.
The deadline to nominateâ has been extended to Friday, âMay 3rd, 2019. All materials must be submitted thârough this form. Email and hard copy submissions will not be accepted. For more information about eligibility and nomination procedures, please visit the award website. Please email âShawn Warner-Garcia if you have questions.