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We are continuing to keep this article updated with the latest developments and resources on COVID-19. Don't hesitate to reach out to the GSRC if you have any questions!
Please follow UC Santa Barbara's COVID-19 information page.
For more information on tracking COVID-19 cases, please refer to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website.
You can also track COVID-19 domestic and global cases on this interactive map from John Hopkins University.
The University of California and UC Santa Barbara are working closely with local, state, and national health organizations to monitor the situation closely. Together, we are working proactively to reduce the likelihood of transmission in our community and preparing to address any cases that should arise. Please see the latest message from Chancellor Yang on the decision to end all in-person instruction and continue remote instruction for the entire spring quarter.
To further address student questions, a campus call center has been set up and will be available on (3/16) from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. That number is: 805-893-3000.
Santa Barbara County Public Health has also launched an information hotline to answer questions the community may have about the Coronavirus. The phone number is 805-681-4373. They also will be keeping their website up-to-date.
The most up-to-date information for students, staff, and faculty is available online at:
- UC Santa Barbara Student Health
- University of California Response to Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- California Department of Public Health (CDPH)
- US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Travelâ Guidelines
The most important individual actions that all members of any community can take to limit the of the COVID-19 and many other illnesses:
1. Wash your hands with soap and water regularly (or use hand sanitizer when a sink is not accessible).
2. Cough or sneeze into a tissue or your elbow, and encourage others to do the same.
3. Avoid touching your face.
There is significant misinformation circulating online, which is why we recommend referring directly to the credible information sources linked above.
Currently, use of masks by the general population is not recommended in the Santa Barbara area.
Graduate students are encouraged to review Dean Genetti and Vice Chancelor Klawunn's email on resources and guidelines:
Dear Graduate Students,
As you know, the campus continues to respond to the ever-evolving situation with the coronavirus and is sending out regular updates and recommendations. Yesterday's email from the Chancellor included a line urging students who can safely leave to do so and to take all of their personal items from their university-owned housing.
We understand that graduate students are differently situated than undergraduates and there is no requirement or expectation that graduate students will move out of either San Clemente Villages or the family housing complexes. The campus remains open and operational and many students, including undergraduate students, will remain in campus housing.
We suggest that every graduate student assess their own situation and use their judgement as to the best course of action, taking into account personal and family considerations, as well as their academic and research needs. We recommend that advanced doctoral students consult with their dissertation advisors. The Office of Research put out useful guidelines on research continuity and planning for COVID-19, that can also be consulted.
To further address student questions, a campus call center has been set up and will be available today (Sunday 3/15) from 12:30 noon. to 2 p.m. and tomorrow (3/16) from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. That number is: 805-893-3000.
As the campus moves to remote instruction for Spring Quarter, although there may be some adjustments in course formats and curriculum, faculty will continue to need the Teaching Assistants assigned to their classes. Teaching Assistants should stay in touch with the faculty teaching the courses to which they have been assigned to discuss how teaching will be delivered. Please be assured that no Teaching Assistant will have their appointment cancelled due to courses being moved to remote formats, or even cancelled. We will need graduate student instructors more than ever as we adjust to remote instruction during this emergency situation, and there will be new needs for graduate student teaching assistance across campus. Graduate students who were appointed as Teaching Associates should contact their department chairs to discuss arrangements for their courses. Please see the message that EVC Marshall sent to faculty and instructors yesterday.
Information on COVID 19 can be found at these websites: CDC guidelines, Santa Barbara County Public Health Department, UCSB Student Health, University of California guidance, U.S. Department of State. All students enrolled in UC SHIP can access LiveHealth Online for telemedicine and counseling (connect via smartphone, tablet or computer; no referral needed and no copays). CAPS remains open and is continuing to hold appointments.
In this dynamic situation, it is essential that everyone maintain clear and open communications, especially with instructors and research supervisors. Please keep in close contact with your departments and faculty. This situation is developing very quickly. Again, we encourage you to use maximum flexibility and work with your department.
Thank you for all you do and your many contributions to the campus.
Carol Genetti
Graduate Dean
Margaret Klawunn
Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
COVID-19 Information for the UC Santa Barbara Campus
Updates from the Office of International Students and Scholars
UC SHIP LiveHealth Online
CDC guidelines
Santa Barbara County Public Health Portal
UCSB Student Health Updates and Guidelines
After Hours Care Locations and Contact Information
University of California Coronavirus Updates
The Office of International Students and Scholars (OISS) has made a number of resources available for those affected during this uncertain global health circumstance. Please see their most recent update here.
If you are experiencing any impact caused by the ânovel âcoronavirus, please contact OISS. They're here for you.
OISS Advising Walk-in hours:
Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays
10 am to 12 pm and 1 pm to 4 pm.
Student Resource Building, 3rd floor
âOISS is also available outside of these times. Please call 805-893-2929 or email to request an appointment. Here are some important resources compiled by OISS:
Campus Resources:
- Student Health Service (SHS) provides comprehensive and integrated healthcare services that treat illnesses efficiently, promote physical and psychological well-being, and enable students to have a healthy and successful university experience.
- Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) promotes the emotional well-being of students through individual and group psychotherapy, crisis intervention, and stress management services.
- Mental Health Peers are current students trained to help other students develop tools to better manage stressors related to school as well as relationships to family, friends, romantic partners, and roommates. Peers can also help you get connected to other appropriate resources around campus.
Unable to âreturn âhome due to the coronavirus?
- UCSB Food Security Taskforce: Basic Needs Resources Guides
- UCSB On-campus Housing: Accommodations During Breaks. Select residence halls will remain open to students needing spring break accommodations for a fee. Contact OISS if you have been impacted and are seeking on-campus accommodations over the break.
- UCSB Adventure Programs: Spring Break Adventure Trips. If you are remaining in the U.S. over spring break, why not embark on an adventure? UCSB Adventure Programs is providing an offering of overnight trips over spring break.
Unable to return to the U.S. due to the âcoronavirus?
OISS is working with campus departments to provide reasonable accommodations for individuals who have been impacted by the coronavirus. You're encouraged to contact OISS immediately at or (805) 893-2929 so that they may provide you with advising and support.
Report âincidents of âbias or âharassment
Incidents of bias and racism are not tolerated on our campus, under any circumstance. It is unacceptable within our UCSB community to discriminate against or profile any members of our community.
- Biased speech and action violate UCSB's Principles of Community.
- Report incidents of bias or harassment to UCSB at