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What if you had the opportunity to talk about your research any way you wanted to? What is it about your research that motivates you? At Lunch & Learn, we want to know! Presenters are needed for our Summer events, as well as those for the 2023-24 academic year. Sign up to present your research in a fun, informal 15-minute presentation.

By Graduate Division Staff
Tuesday, March 7th, 2023 - 11:00am

L&L call for speakers - featured image

In academia, we are constantly called upon to present our research in different ways, to different audiences, for different purposes: 20 minutes for this conference, 60 minutes for that job talk, 3 minutes for Grad Slam.

But what if you had the opportunity to talk about your research any way you wanted? What is it about your research that motivates you to get up every morning (even on weekends) and go in to the lab, the library, or your field site? At Lunch & Learn, we want to know!

Each monthly Lunch & Learn event features 15-minute talks by two graduate students - one from a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) discipline and one from a SHEF (Social Science, Humanities, Education, and Fine Arts) discipline. Unlike traditional seminars and lectures, the Lunch & Learn series encourages graduate students to communicate about their research in whatever way they feel most comfortable, welcoming anything from PowerPoint slides to fireside chats to hands-on demonstrations.

We are currently seeking speakers for our Summer Lunch & Learns on July 12 & August 9. We are also looking for presenters for throughout the 2023-24 academic year. We want to hear from you - sign up today!

If you have any questions, you can email Adrienne Tsikewa at