Enhance your academic writing and boost your confidence by enrolling in a graduate-level writing course. These courses are designed to sharpen your skills, whether you’re working on research papers, grant proposals, or your dissertation, ensuring you communicate your ideas effectively and professionally.
Enhance your academic writing and boost your confidence by enrolling in a graduate-level writing course. These courses are designed to sharpen your skills, whether you’re working on research papers, grant proposals, or your dissertation, ensuring you communicate your ideas effectively and professionally.
Spaces are currently open in two Writing courses, one for graduate students in their first year and the other for more advanced students:
Writing 280AA
Introduction to Graduate Writing Expectations
Enroll code: 63776
Meets: MW 11 am - 12:15 pm
2110 Girvetz Hall (near the Arbor & Library)
Instructor: Dr. Katie Baillargeon
Description: Have you ever written an IRB submission? A primary research journal article? A dissertation? These advanced writing genres are not typically practiced at the undergraduate level, so most graduate students enter their grad studies with zero experience in these and other advanced writing genres.
Writing 280AA is designed to address this exact issue! While it is impossible to work on every graduate writing context, this course will help students develop their writing skills and practice drafting and revising a variety of advanced writing assignments common to the grad experience. Each quarter is tailored to the group of students who enroll, but typically we work with grant applications, CFPs, and literature reviews, among other possibilities. Students will first study the rhetorical features associated with various advanced graduate writing genres before producing disciplinary-specific versions of these texts.
Enrollment is restricted to those who've completed no more than 1 year of coursework. Please contact Dr. Katie Baillargeon for an add code: baillargeon@writing.ucsb.edu
Writing 251
Academic Research Writing
Enroll code: 63768
Meets: W 3:30-6:20 (last hour is for one-to-one consultations)
1432 South Hall
Instructor: Dr. Karen Lunsford
Writing 251 focuses on revising an already written document (e.g., a seminar paper, a conference paper, a poster presentation, a thesis, a dissertation chapter, etc.) into a piece that can be submitted for publication. This course is most suitable for students in the humanities, education, and social sciences. It is also suitable for STEM students who are working on texts that target public audiences. Space is limited to allow you to receive thorough feedback on your writing.
The seminar requires an add code. When you request an add code, **please include a pdf copy of the manuscript that you plan to revise.** The course will not be effective for you unless you already have a fully written document. The course is graded S/U only.
Please contact Dr. Karen Lunsford for an add code: klunsford@writing.ucsb.edu