Research Interests
Drawing from various perspectives and interdisciplinary frameworks, my research examines unintended consequences in educational policy and focuses on frequently forgotten student populations (e.g. students with special needs). Trained as an economist, I use quasi-experimental methods with large, secondary datasets to answer research questions and solve problems with partnering school districts.
Mentoring Experiences
My approach to mentorship with undergraduate researchers revolves around strengths and perspectives that individual students bring to the table. This involves a mutual respect for co-learning as a research team, where any individual person may teach/know more about a particular topic than others (including me, the mentor). For example, I have one student who is a zoology major at UCSB but quickly adapted her biostatistics training to quasi-experimental methods in social science research, which involves modifying our thinking about what can be considered an experiment.
What the Award Means to Him
Winning this award is an honor, and I think it is emblematic of how wonderful research with undergraduate students can be at UCSB. Working with undergraduates is one of the most enjoyable opportunities available to graduate students and professors on campus, and I am humbled to receive recognition for something I really enjoy doing!