Ecology, Evolution, & Marine Biology
Research Interests
I am a first-year graduate student in the Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology broadly interested in the effects of species introduction and loss on ecosystem function. As communities of plants or animals change, there are resulting impacts that can cascade upon the surrounding environment. Currently, I'm researching the impacts of trout introduction in alpine lakes of the Sierra Nevada on lake-side plant and pollinator communities.
Mentoring Experiences
Mentoring has been one of the most rewarding experiences I have had at UCSB thus far. This year, I had the great pleasure of working with a group of undergraduate researchers that make up the "UCSBees" Pollinator Monitoring Project. In collaboration with the Cheadle Center for Biodiversity and Ecological Restoration (CCBER), I worked closely with undergraduate Megan Oza (UCSB '19) to design and implement the monitoring project for native and nonnative pollinators on the UCSB campus. I am currently working with a small group of UCSB undergraduate students in the Sierra Nevada looking at plant-pollinator interactions around alpine lake habitats. Their excitement for ecological questions and field research is heart-warming as I see the emotions and thoughts of my undergraduate-self in their reactions.
What the Award Means to Her
When I think of myself as a scientist, I aspire to emulate the incredible mentors and advisors who encouraged me to explore my interests and make meaningful connections with my work. I hope to facilitate a similar experience for my mentees by providing guidance, a sense of accountability, and the confidence to successfully use scientific research skills in the future. I also aim to increase the overall inclusivity of researchers to diversify the perspectives that fuel our questions, conservation efforts, and scientific communication. Winning this award has confirmed that my goals and purpose are pointing me in the right direction as both a mentor and a scientist. Throughout my time at UCSB and beyond, mentoring will remain one of my greatest priorities and privileges.