
The Zuckerman Postdoctoral Scholars Program attracts high-achieving postdoctoral scholars from premier universities in the United States to do research at one of seven Israeli universities. Five postdoctoral scholarships will be given out per participating university for the 2019-2020 academic year. The deadline to apply is March 30, 2019.

By Noreen Balos, Funding Peer
Wednesday, March 6th, 2019 - 8:00am

The Zuckerman STEM Leadership Program supports future generations of leaders in science, technology, engineering, and math. They provide scholarships for postdoctoral students from premier universities in the United States to do research at one of seven Israeli universities. Once the postdoc scholars complete their research in Israel, many of them are expected to accept faculty positions at top North American universities, strengthening the US-Israel partnership by building on long-lasting relationships of mutual collaboration. In addition, the program provides support to Israeli PhD graduates who have been accepted to a postdoctoral program with a stipend at an American university, thus creating a cycle of excellence.

The Zuckerman Postdoctoral Scholars Program

March 30, 2019