
Are you starting the fellowship application process? Are you wondering how to write a personal statement versus a research proposal? The UCSB Graduate Division Digital Fellowship Library is a resource to guide you and ensure your success! Check out the digital database to find samples of successful fellowship applications from your peers.

By Ranjani Atur, Funding Peer
Thursday, October 29th, 2020 - 4:00pm

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Happy Fall Quarter from your friendly campus Funding Peer Advisor, Ranjani! The Graduate Student Resource Center is thrilled to announce that the Fellowship Library is now fully digitized and online for your convenience.

Are you starting the fellowship application process? Are you wondering how to write a personal statement versus a research proposal? The UCSB Graduate Division Digital Fellowship Library is a resource to guide you and ensure your success! The Digital Fellowship Library contains samples of successful fellowship applications from your peers and features a wide variety of fellowship proposals.

How to Navigate the Library
The "grouping" function allows you to organize the entries by field of study, discipline, or year the award was won for your convenience. You can also filter the entries by award name, award year, field of study, discipline, and document type, so that you only see results that are relevant to you!

For example, if your field is Chemical Engineering, just click on the "Filter" option at the top of the table, select "Field of Study" from the dropdown menu, and toggle "Chemical Engineering" to "ON." If you would like to see Fulbright grants for a specific region or country, click on "Filter," select "Host Country" from the dropdown menu, and toggle "Europe" and/or "France" and/or "Germany" to "ON." You can combine as many filters as you'd like to view.

Click here for more detailed instructions on how to filter, group, sort, and customize your view.

NOTE: you will need to be signed into your UCSB email account to access the Google documents. Protecting the privacy and intellectual property of students who have generously donated their successful fellowship applications is extremely important. Therefore, downloading, printing, or otherwise copying any of the materials in the Digital Fellowship Library is strictly prohibited.

Here is a list of the sample applications you can expect to find:

Extramural Fellowship Sample Proposals:

UCSB Award Sample Proposals:

Peruse the UCSB Graduate Division Digital Fellowship Library now!

Our library is constantly growing as more and more students win fellowships and donate their proposals to our collection. If you would like to donate your successful proposal, rating sheets, or any fellowship-relevant materials, please email the Funding Peer Advisor. All personally identifiable information will be redacted from your materials before they are added to the Digital Fellowship Library, and viewers will not be able to download or print any materials.