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Check out this unique new fellowship opportunity for grads who are interested in clinical medicine. EcoMedicine, also known as Nature as Medicine or Nature Therapy, is an exciting new field in clinical medicine, defined as the prescriptive, evidence-based use of natural settings to enhance well-being and to prevent and treat chronic diseases and their symptoms. The deadline for application is March 11, so read on today for more information on the fellowship and how to apply.

Read more about the article "New Graduate Ecomedicine Fellowship is accepting applications -- due soon!"

Are you a graduate student interested in the intersection of public policy, research, and mentorship? The Presidential GOLD Fellowship hosted by the UC Center Sacramento (UCCS) provides you with the opportunity to engage policymakers on issues important to California and your research, as well as financial support. Apply by March 25,2022. Read on for more info!

Read more about the article "Presidential Doctoral Opportunities for Leadership Development (GOLD) Fellowship Summer 2022 Public Policy"

The 2022 Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad (DDRA) Fellowship Program is now accepting applications. The Fulbright-Hays DDRA Fellowship provides funding for PhD candidates to conduct research abroad in modern foreign languages and area studies. Apply for the internal campus review by March 21st!

Read more about the article "2022 Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Fellowship Program"

The UCSB Academic Senate is now accepting applications for the 2021-22 Doctoral Student Travel Grant. Students are now eligible to receive two in-person Doctoral Student Travel Grants, one of which may be used for international travel, during their graduate career at UCSB. The grants are awarded to eligible students on a first-come, first-served basis each fiscal year, so apply soon!

Read more about the article "UCSB Academic Senate Travel Grants 2021-2022 "

The Green Initiative Fund (TGIF) empowers students to take direct action and come up with innovative solutions to solve our environmental problems. Grants typically range between $1,000 up to as much as $50,000. Don’t miss the chance to fund your campus green project! Applications are due Friday, February 4th, 2022.

Read more about the article "The Green Initiative Fund at UCSB - now accepting applications for 2021-2022"

Still hibernating or feeling dormant after the break? Don't forget to stay updated on upcoming fellowship opportunities. Our Funding Peer has compiled a list of over 75 funding opportunities with deadlines in the next three to four months -- all organized by type and stage for your convenience! Check out the full list and be sure to sign up for an upcoming funding workshop to create customized funding searches that work for you.

Read more about the article "Funding Forecast for Winter 2022"