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UCSB Arts & Lectures announces House Calls Spring 2021. House Calls virtual events are FREE to UCSB Graduate students (registration required) and include: Jane Goodall, Kelly McGonigal, Ephrat Asherie Dance, Yo-Yo Ma & Kathryn Stott, Arthur C. Brooks, and two Speaking with Pico events with Moshin Hamid and Mira Nair. Read on to learn more!

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The Coastal Fund was created and is funded by the students at the University of California, Santa Barbara in order to preserve and enhance the ecological integrity of the coastal habitats at the University. The Fund is excited to present its 2021 Photo Contest, with the theme of "New Beginnings"! Capture the moments you've experienced on the coast, whether that is watching shorebirds feed on the beach, gazing at what is revealed at low tide, or watching a beautiful sunset. Submissions are due by Friday, April 30. Read on to learn more!

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UCSB Arts & Lectures announces Race to Justice Spring 2021 virtual events, part of A&L’s season-long, in-depth look at systemic racism. This effort engages leading activists, creatives and thinkers to expand our understanding of racism and how race impacts society and to inspire an expansive approach to advancing racial equality. All UCSB students can access the Race to Justice events for free. Read on to learn more!

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The Climate Justice Symposium for Transforming Education, hosted by CSU and UC, is free and open to anyone interested in attending. Sessions will be offered in a mix of pre-recorded and live formats between April 28th through May 1st. They are also seeking proposals for lightning talks from faculty, graduate students, and undergraduate students who would like to present 3-5 slides in 5-7 minutes on one of their core conference topic focuses. Cash prizes will be awarded to the most popular talks.

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The University of California recently announced a transformative open access agreement with Elsevier, the world’s largest academic publisher. The new four-year agreement will go into effect on April 1, 2021, restoring UC’s direct online access to Elsevier journals and doubling the number of articles covered by current UC open access agreements. Read on for more details!

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The National Science Foundation recently announced that as part of their Career-Life Balance Initiative, they would like to draw attention to the opportunity for supplemental funding to help NSF-funded researchers (including graduate students and postdoctoral scholars) who are confronted with a short-term increase in dependent care responsibilities ensure that the research activities supported by an NSF award can continue. Read on for more information!

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The UCSB Library is preparing to reopen a portion of the main Library for limited student study space at the beginning of Spring quarter on March 29th. Seats will be available by reservation-only for current UCSB students as well as faculty and staff. Reservations can be made up to two weeks in advance and users will be able to book up to 15 hours per week. Read on to learn more!

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