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To be successful in your job search as an international student, you need to plan strategically, and be knowledgeable regarding immigration regulations that affect employment eligibility based on visa status. Join this career info session to learn about specialized career resources, job search strategies, professional preparations, and get insights from OISS and Career Services representatives.

Read more about the article "Info Session: Finding U.S. Employment for International Grad Students"

What can you do to make completing a research-focused higher degree easier for your students and for you? The Graduate Division invites all advisors (such as faculty members and postdoctoral researchers) to join for a workshop led by Hugh Kearns to ​teach the most useful secrets researchers have discovered for supporting their graduate students.

Read more about the article "Creating the Seven Secrets of Highly Successful Research Students (For Advisors)"

UCSB’s Division of Humanities and Fine Arts is now accepting applications for the Dean's Prize Teaching Fellowship to reward excellence in teaching, curricular design, and pedagogical practices. Prize winners are appointed as Teaching Associates for one quarter to offer an independently-taught seminar. Application deadline is May 25, 2018.

Read more about the article "Call for applications: 2018-2019 Dean's Prize Teaching Fellowship"

If you're ​applying for a teaching-​focused academic job, you will almost certainly be asked to provide a teaching philosophy statement. ​So what is it and how do you even begin to describe your own philosophy? The Graduate Student Resource Center ​will host a handy workshop ​to answer ​these and other rhetorical questions. In this workshop, we will look at ​​teaching philosophy ​statements and ​ask the hard questions that will help you ​figure out what your own philosophy is.

Read more about the article "Writing a Teaching Philosophy Statement"

The Interdisciplinary Humanities Center seeks graduate students to work as instructors in a correspondence program on “Foundations in the Humanities” for people incarcerated in California Men’s Colony and Kern Valley State Prison. Apply now to be a Graduate Teaching Fellow in this IHC Prison Correspondence Course. Deadline is June 1, 2018.

Read more about the article "Be a Graduate Teaching Fellow in the Interdisciplinary Humanities Center"