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Many a promising job talk has failed because the candidate did not prepare properly. Maybe the talk was too technical. Maybe the visuals were not executed well. In this workshop on January 9, participants will learn the strategies behind how to communicate their research appropriately through spoken, visual, and written communication. Sign up today!

Read more about the article "How to Give a Job Talk (Writing Workshop Series), Winter 2020"

If you are looking to pursue career opportunities outside of academia, your resume and cover letter are your tickets into that world. This workshop on January 15 will explore important techniques to help you expertly craft and strategically target your resume and cover letter so you can get over the first application hurdle and on to an interview!

Read more about the article "Writing Effective Resumes and Cover Letters for Non-Academic Jobs"

Still hibernating or feeling dormant after the break? Don't forget to stay updated on upcoming fellowship opportunities. Our Funding Peer has compiled a list of over 100 funding opportunities with deadlines in the next three to four months -- all organized by type and stage for your convenience! Check out the full list and be sure to sign up for an upcoming funding workshop to create customized funding searches that work for you.

Read more about the article "Funding Forecast for Winter 2020"

The University of California Washington Program (UCDC) recently announced its first annual GOLD Fellowship opportunity for graduate students. This opportunity provides the chance to spend a quarter, semester or summer term in residence in DC to conduct public policy research. Fellowship recipients will receive a TAship in addition to free housing at the UC Washington Center. Deadline to apply is February 10, 2020.

Read more about the article "UC graduate fellowship opportunity based in DC"

Paid 10-week computational research opportunity for US graduate students and their research mentors to explore applications on China’s home grown supercomputer. Funding provided for students' round-trip travel to China, accommodation and meals, international health insurance, and a stipend ($500 per week). Application deadline - February 4, 2020.

Read more about the article "NSF graduate student research opportunity in computational & data science"

Are you committed to alleviating poverty and improving human conditions in California, regionally, and internationally? The UC-Care Innovation Fellowship provides fellows with the chance to work on a project with professional staff at CARE. The Fellowship includes a $9,000 stipend plus travel allowance. The first cohort of fellows will commence in April 2020. Info sessions are on December 19 and January 10. Deadline to apply is February 20.

Read more about the article "The Care-UC Innovation Fellowship"

Eugene Riordan is the Graduate Student Assistant at the Resource Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity (RCSGD). Eugene's role is to support queer and trans graduate students in all phases of their education, advocate for and with them within UCSB structures, and partner with other campus groups to help queer and trans graduate students develop socially and professionally. Read on to find out more about Eugene and the RCSGD!

Read more about the article "Introducing Eugene Riordan: Graduate Student Assistant for RCSGD"

Do you often feel crazed during the end of fall quarter? Read on for tips from the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD), an independent professional development, training, and mentoring community. Membership (free for UCSB students!) provides several forms of professional support to help combat common problems academics face - find out more here.

Read more about the article "Tips from the NCFDD Monday Motivator: December Edition"