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Want to learn the basics of Geospatial Data? UCSB Library’s Interdisciplinary Research Collaboratory is hosting a Data Carpentry workshop for those interested in an introduction to spatial computing with the R statistical programming language. This is a series of four half-day workshops to be held on November 14, 15, 21 and 22 from 9:00am to 12:30pm.

Read more about the article "Introduction to Spatial Computing with R at UCSB Library"

Don't miss out on this free Arts & Lectures event for graduate students! On November 3, prize-winning journalist and author Elaine Weiss will recount the riveting story of the ratification of the constitutional amendment that granted women the right to vote. To attend, just be ready to present a valid UCSB student ID and self-identify as a grad student.

Read more about the article "Free UCSB Arts & Lectures event for graduate students!"

UC Santa Barbara welcomes National Science Foundation (NSF) Director France Córdova to campus. Dr. Córdova toured our university’s research facilities and met with graduate students who received the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship award. Read on to find out more about the impact of Dr. Córdova's work and the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship!

Read more about the article "National Science Foundation director visits UC Santa Barbara"

There is a world of difference between being told what your writing should look like and being shown what it should look like. This is because examples make learning a new skill much easier to recognize and practice. This workshop will provide that help by going over examples of successful statements from previously awarded Ford Foundation Fellows.

Read more about the article "Ford Foundation Fellowship Success Series: Sample Application Workshop (SHEF)"