The Coastal Fund seeks to provide the financial impetus for research, restoration, preservation, access and educational projects in order to preserve and enhance the ecological integrity of the coastal habitats at the University. Applications due in October and November depending on amount of funding needed.
Read more about the article "Coastal Fund Now Accepting Proposals"
De-stress as you learn how to paint while meeting other grads! As part of their ongoing graduate student programming, Health & Wellness has invited The Painted Cabernet to UCSB on October 17 and it is FREE for grad students. All materials provided! Space is limited to 20 Painters, and early registration is recommended to secure your spot.
Read more about the article "GSA Painted Cabernet Night"
Join the co-directors of the UCSB Individualized Professional Skills (IPS) program for an info session on Thursday, October 17, to learn more about how you can apply for grant money to support external professional development opportunities.
Read more about the article "Individualized Professional Skills (IPS) Program Info Session"
On October 8, join Instructional Development for a workshop on how to facilitate active learning in the classroom. Space is limited, so sign up today!
Read more about the article "TA Workshops on Pedagogy: Active learning: What, why and how?"
Are you a STEM Graduate Student interested in teaching at a university, research, and mentoring? Then, this paid summer teaching opportunity might be perfect for you! You get to work with and mentor highly motivated high school students who get to experience the rigor of taking a college-level class and being guided through the research project of your choice. Apply by October 18 to participate!
Read more about the article "Summer 2020 Associates for Science and Engineering Research Academy"
If you have specific questions related to your application, you won't want to miss this session! On October 14, you will be matched with a successful GRFP applicant. Please bring a copy of one of your materials (e.g., one of the statements) to be reviewed. Participation in this event is strictly by appointment, so please make sure to RSVP and indicate your availability.
Read more about the article "2019 NSF GRFP Success Series: Peer Review Statement Workshop"
Attention UCSB Graduate Students in STEM fields: Have you ever thought, "There ought to be a law that...?" Well, here is your chance to receive $1000 and a chance to engage with policymakers in Sacramento on why your proposal/research should become a law in the State of California. Apply by Thursday, October 24, 2019.
Read more about the article "STEM Solutions in Public Policy Award Competition"
Are you a graduate student interested at the intersection of public policy, research, and mentorship? If so, then the Presidential GOLD Fellowship hosted by the UC Center Sacramento could be perfect for you. You get to spend Winter, Spring, or Summer 2020 in Sacramento engaging with policymakers on issues important to California and your research. Last date to apply is October 21, 2019!
Read more about the article "Presidential Graduate Opportunities for Leadership Development (GOLD) Fellowship"
UCSB is home to the Graduate Christian Fellowship, a non-denominational graduate student Bible study sponsored by InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. The group holds a series of events throughout the academic year that all students are welcome to attend.
Read more about the article "Upcoming events from the UCSB Graduate Christian Fellowship"
Wouldn’t it be great if you could ask someone who has received the NSF GRFP questions about the application process? Wouldn’t it be helpful to hear from someone about how their research gets funded and the various procedural business that accompanies being awarded the NSF GRFP? Now you can! Join us on October 10 and get your questions answered.
Read more about the article "2019 NSF GRFP Success Series: Q&A Panel with GRFP Recipients"
The UCSB Resource Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity is pleased to invite you to participate in UCSB's second annual Out List! The Out List is a list of students, staff, and faculty who wish to publicly acknowledge and celebrate their affiliation with or support of UCSB queer and trans communities, supporting people of all genders and sexual orientations. Sign up by October 11 at 9am!
Read more about the article "Sign up for UCSB's second annual Out List!"
On October 2, join Instructional Development for a workshop on fostering belonging and community in the classroom. Space is limited, so sign up today!
Read more about the article "TA Workshops on Pedagogy: Fostering Belonging and Community in the Classroom "
On October 2, join Instructional Development for a workshop on teaching quantitative concepts. Space is limited, so sign up today!
Read more about the article "TA Workshops on Pedagogy: Teaching Quantitative Concepts"
The Graduate Division is excited to welcome our new Diversity Peer Advisor, Sam del Castillo. They will be working with staff and students all across campus to make UCSB's graduate student body even more diverse, representative, and supportive. Read on to find out more about Sam!
Read more about the article "Graduate Division welcomes new Diversity Peer Advisor"
The UCSB Individualized Professional Skills (IPS) program has now reopened for the 2019-20 academic year. Awards up to $1000 are granted to eligible graduate students and postdoctoral scholars who wish to individually tailor their career paths with outside professional development opportunities. Join us for an info session on October 17 to learn more!
Read more about the article "UCSB Individualized Professional Skills (IPS) Program reopens for 2019-20"