Be sure to check out upcoming workshops from the Graduate Student Resource Center. From financial literacy, to improv skills for interviewing, to plenty of opportunities to build connections across campus – we hope you'll join us for our lineup of Fall 2019 programming. Mark your calendars and visit the Events page for updated information as events get closer.
Read more about the article "Check out our Fall 2019 programming lineup!"
Our final featured student, Aizhan Adilkhan, is moving to Santa Barbara from Kazakhstan with her two children. Read on to learn more about her research and some of her plans for when she arrives at UCSB!
Read more about the article "2019 Incoming Grad Series: Aizhan Adilkhan"
The American Psychological Foundation presents the Elizabeth Munsterberg Koppitz Child Psychology Graduate Student Fellowship. This fellowship provides $25,000 to support graduate research projects and scholarships in child psychology. Students must first submit to the Office of Research. Read on to find out more.
Read more about the article "Elizabeth Munsterberg Koppitz Child Psychology Graduate Student Fellowship"
Question: What do the vast majority of UCSB's GRFP winners have in common? Answer: Over 90% participated in the GRFP Success Series. Improve your chances of winning by attending our writing workshop that breaks down the two GRFP statements by not only explaining what evaluators look for but also providing you with a framework to write these statements.
Read more about the article "2019 NSF GRFP Success Series: How to Write Your GRFP Statements"
Steven Gomez is coming to UCSB from Los Angeles to pursue his Ph.D. in Materials. Read on to hear about Steven's path to UCSB and see a meme he published in an academic journal!
Read more about the article "2019 Incoming Grad Series: Steven Gomez"
Fall quarter means open season for funding opportunities! Our Graduate Funding Peer has compiled a list of over 150 different funding opportunities with upcoming deadlines, organized by stage and deadline for your convenience.
Read more about the article "Funding Forecast for Fall 2019"
Aisha Anwar is an incoming Ph.D. student in English from North Carolina. She received her undergraduate degree from UNC, where she studied English Literature and Global Studies. Read on to learn more about Aisha's journey in North Carolina and her business she created from a hobby!
Read more about the article "2019 Incoming Grad Series: Aisha Anwar"
UCSB's Office of International Students and Scholars is actively recruiting mentors to serve as international ambassadors for the Global Ambassador Program. Build 21st-century intercultural skills and make new friends from around the world! Apply to be an Ambassador with this new program today!
Read more about the article "Global Ambassador Program seeking mentors for international students"
Do you want $34,000? Would you like a prestigious honor on your CV? Are you an undergraduate thinking about graduate school or a 1st year graduate student in STEM or the social sciences? Are you a U.S. citizen, national resident, or permanent resident? If you answered yes to all these questions, then you should consider applying for the National Science Foundation’s Graduate Research Fellowship Program.
Read more about the article "2019 NSF GRFP Success Series: What is the GRFP? An Info Session"
Valdis Jansons has been busy since he received his BA and MA degrees in classical singing in Parma, Italy. He has traveled all over the world as a professional singer and has sung in over 10 languages! Valdis is coming to UCSB to pursue a Ph.D. in Music.
Read more about the article "2019 Incoming Grad Series: Valdis Jansons"
All students (including graduate students) will now be able to indicate their pronouns in GOLD and other university systems. This comes after a long time effort from UCSB's Trans Taskforce, which has been advocating for more gender-inclusive policies on campus.
Read more about the article "Pronoun functionality added to campus systems"
Grad school marks the next chapter in Tannishtha Bhattacharjee's adventure. She is coming to UCSB from Delhi, India, where she received her BA, MA, and MPhil in History. She is very excited to come to UCSB and continue her work in the History Department and inspire UCSB fashion.
Read more about the article "2019 Incoming Grad Series: Tannishtha Bhattacharjee"
The University of California President's Postdoctoral Fellowship Program is now accepting applications from outstanding women and minority Ph.D. recipients who wish to pursue academic careers and contribute to diversity and equity at the University of California. Apply by Nov. 1, 2019!
Read more about the article "UC President's Postdoctoral Fellowship application now open"
Next up in our 2019 Incoming Grad Series is Matthew Devlin, who is coming to UCSB from the L'Oreál USA research headquarters in New Jersey to pursue a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering. Read on to learn more about Matthew's background, research interests, and his extensive knowledge of mascara!
Read more about the article "2019 Incoming Grad Series: Matthew Devlin"
The Terraton Challenge is a call for solutions that accelerate the drawdown of 1 trillion tons of atmospheric carbon dioxide into agricultural soils. Any team or individual with an original solution to climate change involving agriculture is welcome to apply. Up to $3,500 may be awarded simply for submitting an idea. This could lead to $60k in grants, and up to $3M in contracts. Applications are due October 1st.
Read more about the article "Call for original solutions to climate change: Applications due October 1st"