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UCSB Library is participating in Fair Use Week, a national event coordinated annually by the Association of Research Libraries that celebrates and explores Fair Use rights under the copyright statute. Come to learn more about Fair Use in academia by visiting the information table in the Library Paseo during 2018 Fair Use Week from Monday, February 26 to Friday, March 2.

Read more about the article "Get familiar with Fair Use in academia at the UCSB Library"

If you're interested in pursuing jobs outside of academia after graduation, or even just exploring the option, check out ​information from a recent article from Inside Higher Ed, where Jennifer Polk and Maren Wood suggest thinking carefully about questions like "What Energizes Me About the Work I’m Doing Now?" "What Are My Skills and Competencies?" and "What Will Employers Pay Me to Do?"

Read more about the article "Using your Ph.D. outside of academia"