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There are ranges of employment visas, as well as U.S. permanent resident status, that can allow you to work in the U.S. after you finish your UCSB program. Join immigration law specialist Adam Green, a practicing attorney in the Los Angeles area, for a free workshop on February 2 about employment immigration issues, particularly the transition from student statuses to employment statuses.

Read more about the article "Post-graduation visa options workshop for international students"

The Data Science Fellows Program offers students paid in-residence opportunities at the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS) to work closely with data and informatics teams to solve data, analysis, and software issues relating to environmental science. The deadline is February 1, 2018 for full consideration and by March 1, 2018 at the latest.

Read more about the article "Data Science Fellows Program for research relating to environmental science"

Join Dr. Mindy Colin and Dr. Yueh-Ching Hsu for a workshop to gain valuable insights into best practices for succeeding as an International Teaching Assistant. Learn practical skills on becoming familiar with American university teaching, how to approach various teaching duties with more confidence, and maximizing your teaching impact with students. RSVP today to secure your spot!

Read more about the article "Building Teaching Confidence for International TAs"