Attention Grad Slam participants! Want to get a leg up on the competition? Join us for an interactive workshop with Bri McWhorter on February 24. This workshop is perfect for those participating in Grad Slam but is also useful for anyone wanting to become better at pitching complex ideas in short formats (such as at cocktail parties, during job interviews, and for entrepreneurial presentations).
Read more about the article "Crafting Your Grad Slam Pitch (with special guest Bri McWhorter)"
Instructional Development (ID) and the GSRC invite you to a workshop for navigating the challenges of TA'ing in the USA, led by Dr. Mindy Colin. Anxious about presenting in English? Wondering how to get your students to participate? Dr. Mindy Colin will help you recognize your own perceptions and ideals, and help you determine your identity as a teacher in this excellent workshop! RSVP today!
Read more about the article "Finding Your Identity as an International TA"
On Feb 20th, join Instructional Development for a workshop on how to interpret statistics from your ESCI reports, find trends in the data, and strategize about how to enhance your teaching based on students’ feedback. Space is limited, so sign up today!
Read more about the article "TA Workshops on Pedagogy: Interpreting and Analyzing ESCI scores"
The speakers are in, and the stage is set for a lively lunch on Feb 11th at the Spatial Lightning Talks! This annual series of 3-minute lightning talks brings together speakers from across the UCSB campus as well as the local community to enlighten the crowd on a broad range of spatial topics. RSVP by Feb 7th for the lunch count!
Read more about the article "Spatial Lightning Talks"
Interested in gaining exposure to a new career area? UC Santa Barbara's Gaucho Job Shadow Program pairs students with professionals in Santa Barbara and across California for an opportunity to spend a half-day or one full day in the workplace during Spring Break. Last date to apply - February 7th.
Read more about the article "Gaucho Job Shadow Program"
The 2020 Graduate Student Internship Fellowship application is about to open on March 2. Curious about what an internship for a graduate student is really like? Learn from the stories and lessons of our 2019 awardees in this article and at our panel on Feb 12th!
Read more about the article "Following up with the 2019 Graduate Student Internship Fellowship Awardees"
Join us for our February Lunch & Learn where you'll be treated to talks by students from Mechanical Engineering and Global Studies! Enjoy free lunch and a chance to socialize with grads from across campus. RSVP today!
Read more about the article "February Lunch & Learn: Impurities and Insecurities"
Don't miss the opportunity to win fame and fortune! We're giving away over $15,000 in cash and prizes, including a grand prize of $5,000. Grad Slam is also a great chance to hone your presentation skills, publicize your research, and meet other cool graduate students doing interesting work. So come join the fun! The final deadline to register has been extended to this Friday, February 7.
Read more about the article "Registration deadline extended for 2020 Grad Slam competition"
Interested in disseminating complex scientific achievements to the wider world? Applications are now open for ComSciCon 2020! The 8th annual Communicating Science (ComSciCon) workshop will be held in Boston on June 11-13, 2020. Acceptance to the workshop is competitive. Attendance is free, and travel support and lodging will be provided to accepted applicants. Apply by March 1st!
Read more about the article "Apply to the 8th annual Communicating Science Conference"
This article is chock-full of tips and tricks to fund your conference travel and let you focus on making the most out of your conference experience!
Read more about the article "Conference travel funding covered!"
If you are interested in an industry career in computer modeling or simulations, you should consider attending the Simulations in Science Conference on Tuesday, February 4, 2020. Students, researchers, and post-docs who are interested in how simulations are used in the business world are encouraged to attend.
Read more about the article "Simulations in Science Conference at Corwin Pavilion on February 4th!"
The Educational Testing Service (ETS) invites recent PhDs to apply for a rewarding fellowship experience which combines working on cutting-edge research projects and conducting independent research that is relevant to ETS's goals. Apply by March 1st!
Read more about the article "ETS postdoctoral fellowship application now open"
Do you want to make up to $250 per quarter while also serving your fellow graduate students? The GSA is looking for dedicated grads to represent their peers and colleagues on campus committees to ensure that the graduate student community's needs and interests are being considered and served. GSA will even pay you for your labor! Read on for more info.
Read more about the article "Call for GSA committee representatives"
Before beginning a dissertation, most students are asked to write (and defend!) a writing genre called the prospectus. But most students have little to no formal training for how to engage this genre. This workshop on February 13th will teach participants the fundamentals of prospectus writing for dissertations.
Read more about the article "How to Write a Prospectus (Writing Workshop Series), Winter 2020"
Come find your fellow world-traveling Gauchos at the first iteration of this annual event exclusively for those who have traveled abroad or are currently abroad in the U.S. Build your global network, find your new friends and colleagues, and take over the world! Yummy appetizers provided - make sure to RSVP.
Read more about the article "Global Gaucho Hour for UCSB's International Community"