UC Santa Barbara division of undergraduate education is seeking a graduate student assistant to work at the Center for Innovative Teaching, Research, and Learning (CITRAL). The research assistant will work closely with the CITRAL team on implementation of ECoach at UC Santa Barbara during the 2019-20 academic year. Application deadline is August 2. Read on for more info!
Read more about the article "CITRAL graduate assistant position available"
RocDocs: Post-Doctoral Career Advancement Program at the University of Rochester is a two-day program that serves as a career advancement opportunity for graduate students nearing the completion of their studies and early career postdoctoral scholars—particularly scholars from underrepresented groups in STEM. Applications are due on August 5, 2019. Read on for more info and to apply!
Read more about the article "RocDocs: University of Rochester post-doctoral career advancement opportunity"
You have convinced the hiring committee that you are a strong candidate for your dream job through a polished cover letter and C.V. But what about the core of your scholarship? Where do you see your research in five years? This workshop on July 30th will explore the research statement and the five-year plan: what they are, what they look like, and which one is right for you.
Read more about the article "Academic Job Market Writing Success Series: Research Statement/Five-Year Plan Workshop"
The Las Cumbres Observatory (LCO), a non-profit science organization in Goleta, has organized a free Astronomy Talk on Wednesday, July 17th, at 7pm. This will be a public talk by 2011 Nobel Laureate Professor Adam Riess of Johns Hopkins University, who will be speaking on "Supernovae and the Discovery of the Accelerating Universe." Read on for more info!
Read more about the article "Free astronomy event for UCSB students"
Do you ever find yourself procrastinating on big, important tasks out of fear? Read on for tips from the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD), an independent professional development, training, and mentoring community. Membership (free for UCSB students!) provides several forms of professional support to help combat common problems academics face - find out more here.
Read more about the article "Tips from the NCFDD Monday Motivator: July Edition"
The Cottage Health Research Grant Program is accepting proposals from the medical and scientific community for research priority considerations in: Pediatrics, Trauma, Precision Medicine, and Neurology/Brain disorders. Proposals are due August 16, 2019, and must be submitted with a Cottage Health employee or medical staff as a Co-PI.
Read more about the article "Cottage Health Research Grant Program 2019"
The Graduate Student Resource Center and Career Services are excited to welcome a new Graduate Career Peer Advisor, Vash Doshi. Vash is currently pursuing his PhD in Political Science with a focus on International Relations and Political Economy. Read on to learn more about Vash!
Read more about the article "Graduate Division & Career Services welcome new Graduate Career Peer"
Attention international students: the Graduate Division has recently communicated about changes to policy implementation around the quarterly non-resident supplemental tuition (NRST) fee. This will now be linked to registered quarters rather than calendar years. Read on for more info and FAQs.
Read more about the article "Policy update for international students"
This workshop addresses multiple necessary skillsets for success in graduate school as well as the job market, including preparation for fellowships (Ford Foundation Fellowships, ACLS Fellowships, AAUW Fellowships, etc.), and preparation of job market materials. Read on for more info and apply today!
Read more about the article "Pro-seminar: Advanced Grants & Fellowships Workshop Fall 2019"
Get a quick glance at upcoming deadlines for summer and a head start for the fall. Various opportunities listed to include a sampling of postdoctoral announcements, dissertation fellowships, research funding, and awards competitions.
Read more about the article "Funding Forecast for Summer 2019"
The American Society of Theater Research Grant provides up to $3000, and is intended to support specific projects by scholars working in areas important to ASTR's mission that are currently under-represented in its various activities. The deadline to apply is July 16, 2019. Read on for details!
Read more about the article "American Society of Theater Research Grants"
Join us for our July Lunch & Learn featuring graduate students from Chemistry and Philosophy! Enjoy free lunch and a chance to socialize with grads from across campus. RSVP today!
Read more about the article "July Lunch & Learn: Development and Deliberation"
The Science & SciLifeLab Prize for Young Scientists is an annual prize recognizing that global economic health is dependent upon a vibrant research community and that we need to incentive the best and brightest to continue in their chosen fields of research. The deadline to apply is July 15, 2019. Find out more about this award and how to apply today!
Read more about the article "Apply for the 2019 Science and SciLifeLab Prize for young scientists"
Many Ph.D students feel that their degree will be their main qualification when they enter the non-academic job market, but having relevant job experience is just as important in setting yourself apart from other applicants. This workshop will cover how to find and pursue relevant experience in the form of campus involvement, jobs, and internships that can be done alongside your graduate school work.
Read more about the article "Finding Non-Academic Jobs Workshop"
If you are planning to apply for the Fulbright U.S. Student Program for the 2020-21 grant cycle or want to learn more about the program, join us for an information session on July 10. This session will cover types of grants, the components of a Fulbright application, tips for putting together the best Fulbright application possible, and the campus interview process.
Read more about the article "Fulbright Fellowship Information Session"