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On May 23, join Instructional Development for a workshop on crafting your teaching philosophy statement. As a participant in this workshop, you will work through a series of exercises to help you reflect on your teaching, and by workshop end you will have a draft outline of your teaching. Space is limited, so sign up today!

Read more about the article "TA Workshops on Pedagogy: Crafting your Teaching Philosophy Statement"

Does your research involve the study of poverty reduction and self-sufficiency, healthy marriage and responsible fatherhood, early care and education, or cross-cutting topics relevant to low-income Hispanic children and families? Consider applying to the Hispanic Center Research Scholars Program. Deadline to apply is May 20, 2019. Read on for more info!

Read more about the article "National Research Center on Hispanic Children & Families Scholars Program"

The IIE Scholar Rescue Fund fellowships support displaced scholars at partnering institutions worldwide in order for them to continue their work in safety. Applicants may apply for the year-long fellowships of $25,000 and potentially a second and final year of support. Applications are accepted year-round. Read on for details.

Read more about the article "The Institute of International Education’s Scholar Rescue Fund® (IIE-SRF)"

Are you an American Indian or Alaska Native student who is enrolled in a graduate program AND are you interested in issues related to public safety, crime, and justice? Would you like to learn how your education can be used to solve complex issues in these fields? The National Institute of Justice (NIJ) would like to help you explore science in criminal justice and public safety through conference scholarships. Deadline to apply is May 17, 2019.

Read more about the article "Native Student Travel Scholarship Program: Connecting Science to Crime and Justice"

This workshop on May 22 will teach participants what the various modes of revision are. From there, it will explore assorted comments students receive on their writing and connect those comments to the appropriate mode of revision. Finally, we will present strategies and exercises for how to engage each type of revision so that students can hone their revision skills. RSVP today!

Read more about the article "Writing Soft Skills Success Series: How to Revise from Feedback"

On May 21, join Instructional Development for a workshop on using mobile technology during sections. The session will give suggestions for some great classroom games and apps, and also cover how to manage student behavior regarding mobile technology use during class. Space is limited, so sign up today!

Read more about the article "TA Workshops on Pedagogy: Effective use of Mobile Technology During Section"

Dreamers and recipients of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) and Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) protections, including the thousands who currently attend or have graduated from the University of California, have grown up in this country. This is their home. Join the University of California in asking Congress to pass this critical legislation - read on for more info!

Read more about the article "UC Advocacy Network's phone call campaign to support Federal Dream and Promise Act"

Come learn about the Individualized Professional​ Skills (IPS) Grant Program at ​our ​​May ​1​7 Meet & Eat! ​You'll hear from Tayyebeh Bakhshi (​PhD student in Chemistry and Biochemistry) and Melissa Hingorani (PhD student in Psychological and Brain Sciences) about their professional development experiences funded by the IPS ​grant.

Read more about the article "Individualized Professional Skills (IPS) Grant Program Meet & Eat"

The IEE Apprentice Researchers program is seeking graduate students in science and engineering research laboratories at UCSB to work with a highly motivated local high school student for 6-weeks this summer. This is a unique paid experience for graduate students to hone their skills in project development, management, and teaching. Read on for more info!

Read more about the article "Paid mentoring opportunity for the IEE Apprentice Researchers program"